Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Shells on the Horizon

i won't be making the june 1st deadline. i can rationalize not making the deadline several ways: 1) lack of purple shells; 2) ordered shells won't arrive in time; 3) i wouldn't want to carry the delicate project in a minivan full of boys, husband and boys' grandfather on a five hour trip to the graduation ceremony. there is sure to be breakage!

the fact, though, is the deadline was an overly ambitious deadline—not an excuse, just a statement. the reality is that working out before work makes me pretty tired when i get home, so little progress has been made this week. plus, creating her valentine is an enjoyable event, so i would rather not rush, but take my time and think the design out carefully. right now i'm mulling over the center medallion and how to do it. i've been planning it out in my head and i'll know when its time to start working on it. i just need inspiration to simmer on it a bit.

but i have ordered the shells from and i'm pretty psyched to receive them. my new deadline is to have the valentine ready so when she comes up for her birthday, i will give it to her then. i am pretty nervous about the transporting of the valentine...

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