The top is finished for my Black Belinda shell art box, worked in traditional tramp shell art style. i had made the grey shell flower out of jingle shells a long time ago, but i thought—who would want a grey rose? it looks like a stone rose. this teaches me that its not so bad to keep the stuff you don't think immediately works. its perfect for our belinda, who—marine that he is—is fond of black and green. add grey and brown, and viola! instant colour palette.
the shiny black box is the perfect background for the sturdy, dark shells. even the flower feels somewhat masculine. the jingle shells are pretty sturdy and is a good counter point to the shark eye and whatever those two spiny brown shells are. from there, it was just finding the right shells and fossil shark teeth to encircle the gold black belinda art and then building out the shell design from there. i used blue mussels, brown clams, black umboniums, and dark green/black littornia.
the last time i've worked this dark in colour was when i started my mermaid diary. i should dig that project out later. but for right now, the belinda top needs to rest and the 527 needs to dry. i love these cigar boxes. they smell heavenly! in my mind, i have the sides designed, so i think i might be able to complete this project before the weekend ends. i love belinda box's traditional, tramp art style. i've even given the seashell box nerite footers, so it sits off the ground.
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