As I worked feverishly on my Black Belinda, i felt increasingly happy and recharged. its great to alternate between delicate work of the sailor valentine and more robust work of this traditional tramp style box. do you dig the fossil black shark teeth? fierce, eh? i'm pretty excited about finishing it—just in time—as the week will be hectic and full work for my master's class.

here are photos showing the finished product. the box is well constructed out of wood and it came with this delicate tissue paper embossed with spider webs—probably to protect the cigars inside—and there is a slice of basswood that acts like a separator. i want to get a wood burning tool and burn a cool design into the separator. i've been thinking about that design. the top is a bit heavy, so i weighted the front, bottom portion of the box with the heaviest shells that worked with the motif. if it sits on a flat surface, you can open the box and put your man stuff in it without the top tipping the box over.
i ran into our marine today, and was giddy to find out he's here for a little bit longer than i had thought. so i'm pretty happy to have a bit more time. let's do some pyrography!